Kia Picanto: The Cheapest of Rental Cars

We’re putting the ‘CAN’ in Picanto, offering an awesome discount when hiring a Kia Picanto, making it the cheapest rental car!

Spring has sprung and the flowers are in bloom. So grab your family, hire a Kia Picanto and take them to see the country’s breathtaking landscape.

Our latest Kia Picanto car hire adventure success (although not recommended…) went something like this: 4 guys. 1 trip. 29 Days. 3 countries. True story.

Drive South Africa is the easiest way to hire the cheapest rental car.

With us, it’s this simple:

  1. Contact us
  2. Tell us where and when you want the car
  3. Make payment
  4. Pick up your vehicle

Why you can’t say no to this offer:

  • Our discount makes the Kia Picanto the most affordable car you can hire.
  • There are no hidden costs in hiring a car through Drive South Africa.
  • When you book a Kia Picanto, you get a Kia Picanto.

With pollen on your shoes, and a smile on your face you’ll hand back your car hire keys, sad to see them go.

Book your rental vehicle with car hire before the last of our cheapest rental cars has whizzed out of the showroom!

There’s nothing like a blooming good discount to put a spring in your step. Just like you, we love South Africa, road trips, sunsets and ‘padkos’, but most of all, we love our glowing feedback and reviews. We can’t wait to get yours!

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