Victoria Bay is good for the soul

Relax at Victoria Bay

The Afrikaans singer Lucas Maree knew what he was talking (or singing) about when he wrote the song called “Victoriabaai”.

* Kyk hoe sluit die son die hemel oop.
Kyk hoe wyk die nag voor die dag.
Kyk hoe word die see in goud gedoop.
Kyk hoe bloos die strand vol van hoop.

While driving to George from Wilderness on the N2 we took the turnoff to Victoria Bay on our left and discovered the essence of this song. It was a glorious balmy Saturday afternoon and as the road winds down to the bay amongst the colorful fynbos you can’t help but hum along to “*Aai, aai, aai, aai, aai, aai, aai. *Op my kliptroon by Victoriabaai.”

It is no wonder that the tranquil sight of the bay with the waves rolling to and fro, splashing up against the rocks that line this beautiful little beach, inspired the legendary singer all those years ago.

Passing the attractive guesthouses and B&B’s that line the walkway on the right and the sea with the rock pools, breakers and jetty on the left, we strolled down the boulevard towards the rocks at the end of this picturesque little holiday village.

Children were playing in the rock pools, which are quite shallow in places, and moms and dads were fishing from the jetty. We watched as experienced surfers challenged the bigger breakers while the whales were diving in and out of the deeper water.

There were groups of people standing around the different barbecue facilities with fires burning and the smell of meat in the air. A comfortable restaurant with awesome views and a good menu caters for those who are tired of strolling and want to stare into their lover’s eyes, sipping on a sundowner and enjoying the lazy afternoon, doing the late Lucas Maree proud.


*Look how the sun unlocks the heavens

Look how the night falls before the day.

Look how the ocean gets dipped in gold.

Look how the beach blushes full of hope.


*On my throne of stones at Victoria Bay.

If you would like the freedom to do what you want, when you want to, you might want to consider car hire Cape Town for your transportation needs.

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