MapStudio links old school print with new technology

The recently published 4×4 Routes by MapStudio found its way to my desk. My initial thoughts were “Not another useless road map book! Have these people not heard of a GPS yet?”

On closer inspection I found my assumptions to be unjustified. MapStudio were very clever in linking traditional print with technology.

Let’s face it, even though we find ourselves embracing technology and investing in the latest GPS gadgetry, we still cautiously ensure that we pack in that good old trusty road map book prior to venturing off into unfamiliar territory.  At some point or other we have all experienced a technical breakdown, often at the worst possible time on our trip, and having a map book as a backup is essential!

What I like about the new 4×4 Routes book AND CD is just that – a fully integrated combination of technology and print! Now you can use your trusty map book in conjunction with your GPS (loaded with the maps from the CD).

Above: 4×4 Routes by MapStudio is a fully integrated combination of technology and print.

Experts gave their input

The book itself is very user-friendly with detailed maps, distance indicators, vehicle recommendations and general route information including essentials and handy tips, that gives you enough information about the route but does not give away too many secrets either.
I like the way they use icons (often used in web design) to display categories. It successfully links traditional print with technology.

MapStudio has also recruited a few tour operators and knowledgeable authorities on the different routes to assist with the publication. This improves the credibility of the publication immensely!

Take note

I would have liked to see a “notes” field on each route so I may scribble down any pertinent information and possibly a little “look out for” checklist for those important birds or animals that ad to the excitement of the adventure.

All in all, I am impressed at MapStudio for embracing technology and putting together a publication that encompasses all that one needs when navigating any of the 20 routes on offer.

I look forward to seeing where MapStudio takes this variation of their product offering further.

If you want to go on your own adventure through Africa, you might want to have a look at 4×4 hire to find the best vehicle for your adventure.

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