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Weekly Travel News Recap, 3 May: Flooding in Maasai Mara, fuel prices increase, and more

Catch up on all the latest travel news with Drive South Africa.

Each week, our team scours the web for the most interesting, trending, and unusual travel news, conservation news, and motoring news stories. Here are this week’s biggest scoops.

Travel News

Wildebeest herd crossing a river.



  • Ireland considering ending visa-free travel for South Africans. According to reports, nationals of Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been using South African passports to seek asylum in the Republic of Ireland. The country expects high numbers of asylum seekers in coming months and may want to tighten existing processes.



  • Firefighters contain Table Mountain fire in Cape TownThe Skeleton Gorge fire burned around 238 ha of vegetation after igniting on 27 April. Prevailing “berg” wind conditions continue to fan the fire, although firefighters have contained most of the active areas and several hiking trails have been reopened.



Conservation News

A sea turtle hatchling.



Automotive News

A fuel gauge inside a car.


  • Highway robberies on the rise in South AfricaAccording to Business Tech, there has been a significant increase in the number of reported cases of criminals placing spikes or other dangerous objects on roads to cause damage to vehicles, aiming to rob them. Numerous incidents have been reported in and around Pretoria, and the Gauteng Traffic Police says most take place on Friday evenings and throughout the weekend.


  • Petrol and diesel prices increase as of 1 MayBoth grades of petrol increased by 37 cents per litre, while diesel 500 ppm and diesel 50 ppm fell by 30 cents per litre and 36 cents per litre, respectively. For more information, see our Fuel Cost Calculator.

Missed out on this week’s Drive South Africa blogs? Catch up on them here.

The 5 Cheapest EV Cars in South Africa ⚡

Have South African Car Rental Fleets Recovered Since Covid-19? 🚘

Travel News Image Credits: Unsplash

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