A Value-For-Money Safari in Namibia

Namibia offers excellent value-for-money, especially if you hire a car and stay in campsites or lodges situated outside of the national parks. While there are a lot of pros to staying inside the parks, these camps can be pricey, especially in high season. Choosing to sleep at a camp or lodge just outside of the park gates means you can get better value for your money and only miss out on being inside the park in the early mornings and late afternoons when the gates are closed.

Namutoni Rest Camp in Etosha National Park

The low season – February, March, April, May and November – see hotels and lodges drop their room rates, so travelling during these months means getting better value for money on your lodging.

Staying at all-inclusive safari lodges can give you great value for money as many lodges offer a number of activities such as game drives, guided nature walks and animal tracking as part of your stay. Even if you’re travelling to Namibia on a budget and mostly staying at campsites it makes sense to spend a few nights at a lodge to take advantage of activities that would cost more if you had booked them through separate providers. Most travellers opt for 4×4 rental Namibia to accommodate their travel plans

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